Communication, understanding and support natural incense


Natural incense helps us to purify the rooms and objects. We can invite a new energy into our lives. We connect then with our intention and desires.
You can burn sticks as many times as you need. One natural incense stick should be enough for few burnings. Do not use entire smudge stick at once.

Availability: 10 in stock


Communication between partners, family, understanding and support natural incense

  • Birch is a symbol of mother, fertility and life. It attracts prosperity and drives away evil spirits. Protects and transforms negative energy into positive. It heals both body and soul. It improves well-being, comforts in troubles and soothes. Brings fertility, abundance and happiness. Protects and supports the family. Ensures a restful sleep. It strengthens intuition and helps you find clearer ones side of life.
  • Pine protects the relationship, improves relations between spouses and a homely atmosphere. protects, cleanses and soothes. Brings abundance, money, happiness and support. It helps in making difficult decisions decisions, will give you confidence and strength.
  • Yarrow protects and purifies from negativity energy and bad vibes. attracts love, fidelity, friendship, beauty and youth. Removes fears and gives courage. It makes us cool and makes it easier control over oneself and the situation in which we are located. Allows you to keep calm and distance to what is going on around us. Support initiative and ingenuity, stimulates healthy ambitions, does not allow you to rest on your laurels, it attracts friendly and helpful people. It helps end what prevents us from going to front, makes it easier to break with addictions and unkind people. It helps to see the conflict with partner’s point of view and supports reaching consent.
  • White string symbolizes healing, innocence, purity and harmony.


How to start?

  1. Open windows in the room to allow airflow and to help negative energy leave.
  2. Before you start, think about intention for your ritual and what you want to achieve acheive 
  3. When you are ready to light your smudge stick, hold it at a 45-degree angle above a lighter or a match. Once flame catches the natural incense stick, blow it out to create a light smoke.
  4. Hold your stick above a heat proof container. It will let you catch any falling embers. 
  5. When you feel ready and fulfilled with your intentions, extinguish the stick by pressing it lightly into sand or salt. 

Do not use water to extinguish your natural incense. You will not be able to re-light the stick after using water.


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Communication, understanding and support natural incense MooleaCommunication, understanding and support natural incense

Availability: 10 in stock

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