
Smudge stick “All is in your favor”


A smudge stick helps us purify rooms and objects. We can invite new energy into our lives and connect with our intentions and desires.
You can burn smudging herbs as many times as you need. One natural cleansing incense stick should be enough for a few burnings. Do not use the entire smudge stick at once.

Availability: 9 in stock

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Smudge stick “All is in your favour” is made from:

  • Nettle stimulates all senses, strengthens health, and simplifies overcoming barriers and obstacles on the road to success. It helps to end self-pity, pity for others, and little constructive feelings. It protects and cleanses. It removes fears.
  • Heather is highly protective and acts as a protective shield, reflecting negative energy, e.g. envy and jealousy, aggression, etc. It brings happiness to everyone’s field. It calms down, relaxes, brings peace to sleep, and acts as an antidepressant. It soothes conflicts. It makes it easier to deal with extreme situations, adds strength, courage and endurance, supports personality development, and strengthens willpower. It allows us to remove what inhibits us, blocks us from what to do doesn’t suit us anymore. Removes dependence on other people and accelerates the completion of all activities.
  • St. John’s wort has a protective, cleansing, healing, and supportive effect. It protects from doubt and despair and helps to find the strength needed to get through difficult times. It brings internal balance, adds serenity, and facilitates contact with one’s own self. It teaches joy and refreshes the view of reality. It drives away negativity, provides protection, and attracts love and abundance.
  • The orange string symbolizes enthusiasm, fascination, and youth. It awakens the joy of life, improves action, and adds energy.


How to start smudging step by step:

  1. Open windows in the room to allow airflow and help leave negative energy.
  2. Before you start, think about the intention of your ritual and what you want to achieve.
  3. When ready to light your smudge stick, hold it at a 45-degree angle above a lighter or a match. Once flame catches the natural incense stick, blow it out to create a light smoke.
  4. Hold your stick above a heat-proof container. It will let you catch any falling embers. 
  5. When you feel ready and fulfilled with your intentions, extinguish the stick by pressing it lightly into sand or salt. 

Do not use water to extinguish your natural incense. After using water, you will not be able to re-light the smudge stick.


In Moolea, we have five different smudge sticks, have a look here!

  • All is in your favour 
  • Communication, understanding and support 
  • Love and happiness 
  • Mental and body healing 
  • Money, wealth and plenty


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All is in your favour smudge stick MooleaSmudge stick “All is in your favor”

Availability: 9 in stock

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